Free Speech
Providing a forum for the free expression of ideas is a cherished and time-honored feature of university life.
As a university of the state of Iowa, the University of Northern Iowa bears a collective responsibility to ensure that freedom of expression is protected. The university's mission statement declares that “[t]he University is committed to providing an optimum level of learning opportunities for the intellectual development of its students, faculty, staff.”
In carrying out these responsibilities, allowances may be made for considerations of reasonable time, place and manner of expression that are content-neutral. To this end, it is the responsibility of every university employee and student to abide by the legal requirements ensuring freedom of expression.
Board of Regents Policy on Free Expression
The Board of Regents is committed to the principles of free expression embodied in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Iowa. Any member of the campus community who believes their right to free speech or expression has been violated may file a complaint with the Executive Director of the Board of Regents as outlined in their policy.

Campus Climate
Campus Climate Surveys are conducted on a periodic basis and provide information on the opinions of faculty, staff and students regarding climate and diversity-related experiences on campus.